Friday, May 4, 2007


It has been a bit damp round here the last couple of days. It doesn't rain here like it does in the rest of the country, so damp for us is a couple of 100ths of an inch of rain. At least it will help keep the lawn green without the sprinker system.

Work can go from nothing to wildly busy overnight. That's what happened yesterday. It has been pretty slow all week, then BAM! I got hot with a series of meetings yesterday and now it seems as my project is back on and things are moving again. Of course, this could all change in a day and with budget hearings next week at the legislature, things could change again soon.

I had a great workout at the gym last night. Not too crowded, but there were at least a few pieces of eye candy to feast upon. ;-) I will go again early Saturday morning. It is a family-oriented gym, so I doubt that anything scandalous happens there. I have heard about a couple of gyms elsewhere in the city where some pretty interesting things go on regularly. Oh, to be 30 again!!

There was a large peace officer memorial service at the capitol yesterday. A couple of streets downtown were closed, and those streets were completly filled with patrol cars. It was probably the safest place on the planet yesterday! There were about 900 separate police agencies represented at the service. It was kind of fun to walk down 10th Street and see police cars from all over the state. Some towns that I have not heard of had police cars on 10th St. When I walked by, all of the police officers were having a lunch on the west lawn of the capitol. Arnold was there, but must have made a quick exit to fly down to Simi Valley to the Republican Candidate debate.

These types of events are very common at the capitol. This time of year is particularly busy, but events happen there all year round. Last week was the CalTrans memorial service, an immigrants rights ralley, and several other minor events. Since I work about three blocks away, I walk by the capitol every day. It is fun to see all the variety of activity.

It should be a fairly quiet weekend. I do have a date- with my lawn mower! But other than a few hours of yard work and a few hours at the gym, I should have plenty of time to play around in the kitchen ad do other sundry chores around the house.

Have a great weekend!

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