Thursday, October 11, 2007

Early Morning

It is 5:00am, and I am up, reading a bit, then getting ready to get to work. It should be a nice day here in the west. We had some rain here yesterday. A bit odd for this time of year. We really needed it though. Last year was a very dry year. I think we had about half of ou normal rainfall. There is a chance of a few more drops tomorrow. What happened to our Indian summer?????

Sweetie made a reservation for us to take our trailer over to the coast in Mendocino County over Thanksgiving. We will be gone for the first time since we moved into this house nine years ago. We have always hosted a "homeless" Thanksgiving dinner for people in our choir and friends who had no place to go on the holiday. Sweetie and I did the whole nine yards- turkey stuffing, and all the fixins! It has been fun, although a lot of work. This year, most of our regulars have found places to go, so we decided to leave on Thanksgiving morning and spend three days over on the coast. I know we will have a great time.

We will also be going to Petaluma in Marin County on October 26th. We belong to Rainbow RV club, and there is a Halloween camping event there. We went over to Point Reyes last year. We had a nice time and met some friends from here in Sacramento. I hope we have a great time this year, too.

I have a meeting with upper management in the Department today to push a regulation development project forward. I have been working on this for quite some time now, and things have not been moving very much. Perhaps today's meeting will help move things forward.

The gym was great last night. I am a bit tired this morning, but I am going to try to get back to the gym tonight. I didn't get to go on Tuesday night, my regular night, because Sweetie got home late. I just can't go too late in the evening. I like to be there for two hours to do my regular routine, and I have to get to bed early since I get up before 4:30am each work morning. Makes for a long day, but I feel better and look pretty damn good for an old fart!!

Have a great day!

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