Sunday, April 22, 2007

Beautiful Sunday

It is a beautiful Sunday here in central California. Temperature in the mid 60's, a light breeze blowing, and scattered clouds bearing the possibility of rain showers throughout the day. It rained quite a bit starting Saturday afternoon and continued all night. It looks like we had about about a half inch of rain. That's quite a bit by our standards. It just doesn't rain here like it does in many other parts of the country.

My sweetie and I had a nice morning. I slept until about 6:30am, took a quick trip to the hot tub, then had a very nice bit of extra curricular activity with my sweetie (wink wink). Nice to know that after all these years, that type activity is still so much fun and satisfying. Doesn't happen as often as it did in years past, but it is still great and helps me to realize just how very much in love I still am. Amazing!

We had dinner downtown last nnight with a couple we met on a camping trip. (Yes, a gay camping trip!) They are great guys and have been together for about 11 years. They recently moved into a new house and have been working hard to renovate it. We can't wait to see it.

I will be going to the gym in a few minutes. I have found Sundays to be a great day to go, especially when the weather is not too good. When spring and summer are fully here, we will be busy camping and taking our ski boat out to Folsom Lake. Until then, I will continue to use Sundays to help me keep my gym goals.

I found a new recipe for curry on the net this morning. I have decided to try it. That makes Sweetie my test subject. He loves curry and the recipe I usually use is one of his favorites. I hope he likes this one, too.

I hope you all are enjoying a beautiful day.

Regards to all.

1 comment:

Bigg said...

Nineteen years with your partner, how wonderful. I hope that I can say that some day!